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May 2023 Tax Return ChecklistUseful References

Super changes from July 2017

How will they impact you? We cover some of the factors to be aware of given changes have just passed in parliament and are due to become superannuation law. Earlier this year, the Federal Budget announcement included a proposal to introduce changes to super bigger than the likes of anything we’ve seen in almost a

NEWSFLASH: Introducing MCG Advisory

Chartered Accountants, Morris Cohen Glen & Co announce the launch of MCG Advisory MCG Advisory will become the full service financial advisory arm of Morris Cohen Glen & Co, focused on providing education and strategic based advice to our clients. The services will include: Financial Planning Mortgage Broking Small Business Advice & Corporate Advisory Financial

Goods & Services Tax (GST)

Overview On 2 December 1998, the Government introduced legislation into Parliament to implement reforms to the Tax System. Among the most controversial changes was the introduction of a Goods and Services Tax (GST). GST applied from 1 July 2000 under the new tax system. With its introduction, the Wholesale Sales Tax (WST) and a number

Small Business and the Trade Practices Act

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC formerly the Trade Practices Commission) is one of the most active business regulators in the country. Articles highlighting different companies found to be in breach of the Trade Practices Act, such as Telstra, TNT and IPEC to name a few, appear in newspapers almost every day. Importantly, following

Is Your Family Business Prepared For The Future

Owners of family businesses may be interested to know that only about 30% of such businesses will survive to the second generation. The reason for this failure rate is that a large number of business owners don’t take the time to plan for the future. In fact only about 28% of such businesses will have

Client Alerts

Tax Office to “Data Match” with immigration records

Records relating to approximately 1,000,000 individuals who were granted visas under the above subclasses will be matched. The ATO may also provide information to assist the Department of Immigration and Citizenship to maintain the integrity of the student and temporary working visa programs.


Client Alert October 2023

Checklist October 2023

Client Alert September 2023

Client Alert August 2023

Client Alert July 2023

Tax Return Checklist July 2023




















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